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  • What is money? How schools fail our children in this area

What is money? How schools fail our children in this area

Dear Defions,

Today, we want to address a topic that is of utmost importance for the future success and financial well-being of our children: the lack of proper financial education in our schools.

It is a widely acknowledged fact that our education system falls short when it comes to teaching children about money management. While schools excel in providing academic knowledge, they often neglect crucial life skills such as budgeting, saving, investing, and understanding debt. As a result, many young adults enter the real world without the necessary skills to navigate the complex world of personal finance. Let alone answering the fundamental question What is money?

The consequences of this educational gap are significant. Without a solid foundation in financial literacy, our children are more likely to fall prey to predatory lending, credit card debt, and other financial traps. They may struggle to make informed decisions about student loans, mortgages, or retirement savings. Ultimately, this lack of knowledge can hinder their ability to achieve financial independence and stability.

Additionally, as our society becomes increasingly cashless, it is essential for children to understand concepts such as digital payments, online banking, and the implications of sharing personal information online. Without proper guidance, they may become vulnerable to scams and fraud.

So, what can we do to address this issue? Firstly, it is crucial to advocate for financial education to be included as a mandatory part of the curriculum. By raising our voices and engaging with educational institutions, we can emphasize the importance of equipping our children with the skills they need to thrive in the modern world.

Furthermore, we can take an active role in teaching our children about money at home. By involving them in family budgeting, encouraging them to save, and discussing financial decisions openly, we can instill healthy money habits from an early age. It is also important to lead by example, demonstrating responsible financial behavior and discussing our own experiences and lessons learned.

To supplement school education, there are numerous resources available to help children learn about money management. Books, online courses, and interactive games can provide engaging and accessible ways for children to understand financial concepts. Additionally, parents can seek out community programs, workshops, or financial literacy organizations that offer educational opportunities for children.

As a former educator myself, I can tell you that a majority of teachers handle their own personal finances horribly, and we expect them to instill these essential life skills into our kids. As Bitcoiners and crypto enthusiasts, we already have a fundamental understanding of the “what is money question” and its our job to give them this information. I have already begun this task in my own home with my 12 and 10 year old. They have been hearing about Bitcoin since they both could speak.

This newsletter serves as an educational piece for adults, however I felt the need to stress the importance of passing this information down to your kids. Our kids and our great grandkids, will hopefully ONLY know a world of a Bitcoin standard!

Until next newsletter, be well…..

Defion Productions